the public service union

Nottinghamshire County UNISON Branch

Latest News Headlines

16 October 24

Violence in Schools campaign 24-25 There has been an increase in violence in schools. We are getting calls to the branch office each and every week about this issue. We are making this a branch priority - check out the notice to see what we will be doing.... we have been visiting schools, dropping off our campaign packs and talking to local members about the issues they face through violence at work.      

Violence at work campaign - Has your employer made the commitment to end violence at work and signed UNISON’s charter?  

Stars in Our Schools: ‘Without support staff, there’d be no school’ UNISON met two long-standing school activists who share why Stars in Our Schools is so important to them 

Fair pay agreement in social care will be an historic step  

Pay claim 24-25 UNISON’s industrial action (IA) ballot for council and school staff over the 2024 pay offer in England and Wales is now open. UNISON’s council and schools committee of leading activists are recommending that members vote ‘YES‘ for strike action and are urging them to return their ballots as soon as possible. Members who are eligible to vote should receive a purple envelope in the post over the coming weeks. It will contain your ballot papers and a free-post envelope to return your vote. Ballots must be returned before 10am on Wednesday 16 October. Further information available here 

Branch Violence in Schools campaign 24-25
There has been an increase in violence in schools. We are getting calls to the branch office each and every week about this issue. From September we will be making this a branch priority - check out the notice to see what we will be doing.... 

Pay claim 24-25
We asked the employers for a pay increase of £3,000 or 10%, whichever was greater. The offer of £1,290 falls far short of this.

We consulted members on this offer, and following the strong reject vote we received, our NJC committee has decided that we will proceed with an industrial action ballot.

Voting for, and taking, industrial action will send a clear message to employers that you need a better pay rise.

The ballot opens 4 September and closes 16 October at 10:00. The hotline is open 17 September, closing at noon on 9 October; also, the cut-off to order a replacement ballot. New members who join by 3 October will have a vote in the ballot.

You can find more information about the pay campaign, by visiting the NJC pay campaign page here:
Council and School Pay | Campaigns | UNISON National  

Government scraps anti strike laws on 'minimum service levels' 

Council and school workers asked to vote on possible strike.
The local government employers should come forward with an improved pay offer….. 

A Labour government can now press the reset button for public services, says UNISON 

UNISON to hold 10-year political fund ballot 

Nottingham Catholic Diocese bans celebration of PRIDE. Trade Unions to protest on Friday 21st June - full details here (leaflet)

Joint Trade Union statement to Nottingham Catholic Diocese in response to banning of Pride Month celebrations  

Local authorities need sustained funding if services and jobs are to be saved 

NJC Pay consultations begin...full details     

Schools and council workers should reject low pay offer, says UNISON 

UNISON statement in solidarity with student protests for Gaza  

New East Midlands UNISON Health & Safety Newsletter 

NJC Council and School workers Pay 2024 

GREEN UNISON - doing our bit to make public services greener

 Opinion: Thames Water makes case for renationalisation … now!

Library activists from Walsall and Hampshire explain the reality behind the stats that funding has been decimated and libraries are closing at an alarming rate  

All UNISON members can now take advantage of our free careers and training advice service. Just complete the form here and one of our team will be in touch 

Why Councils are on the brink and how they can be pulled back 

Pay Claim submitted for Local Government and School based staff 

Report back on UNISON Womens Conference 15th -17th Feb  report 1

Report back on UNISON Womens Conference 15th -17th Feb report 2  

Branch AGM - set for Wednesday 20th March - two meetings 12.30pm and 5.30pm - see notice  

It’s LGBT History Month, so there’s no better time to explore UNISON’s contribution to the struggle for equality 

 Celebrating 2024 as Year of LGBT+ workers


Articles from 2023.....

Black History Month events.....

20th Oct  Black History Month 2023 | Events | UNISON National

 21st OctYOUNITY – New Art Exchange Nottingham – 3 events across the day celebrating Black History Month and the 75th anniversary of Windrush, join us for a vibrant day of creativity and celebration.

 23rd Oct – Broadway Cinema Nottingham. Cassius X: Becoming Ali - a new documentary about Cassius Clay, his political activities, conversion to Islam and name change to Muhammad Ali.

 24th Oct - Webinar: Engaging with Black Women - From Activists to Leadership

 26th Oct - Five Leaves Bookshop Nottingham - a discussion on the Legacies of Slavery and how they continued to impact politics, economics, and social relations in Britain and the British Empire in the 19th and 20th centuries.

PAY Ballot  - Branch statement

We appreciate that members are keen to know the outcome of the ballot however as this was a ballot of 345,000 members in more than 4,300 employers, the process of getting results out has been a complicated one. UNISON’s NJC Committee met to consider the full results of the ballot.

Due to the Tory anti-trade union laws, we can only take industrial action in employers where we achieved a turnout of 50% or more (with a majority voting for action).UNISON passed this turnout threshold in a number of employers, but most of these were smaller employers.

Given the legal restrictions placed on action, the NJC Committee agreed to await the ballot results from our sister union Unite, whose ballot closed at the end of July, before confirming publicly our agreed next steps.

UNISON is not delaying acceptance but as there are three trade unions involved in NJC negotiations we must also recognise that we need to act collectively. In a time where money is tight we know that whatever the outcome, members want the pay award in a timely manner and will make sure that leaders nationally hear that message whilst acknowledging the right of the three Green Book trade unions to act according the votes cast by their own membership.

We will update you further as soon as we are able to.

Branch Newsletter April 23 NJC Council and Schools Pay 2023 update

Why Join UNISON video

Don't forget we're on social media......Notts Unison branch are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!


FREE Learning Courses for Members
East Midlands UNISON Learning Team have organised a series of FREE training courses open to all members.....check out the flyer or follow this link for further information

Are you passionate about learning? Fancy becoming a Learning Rep? We have organised a 3 day training course for new reps, check out this flyer or
follow the link

Happy New Year - Statement from Branch Secretary, Karen Eddy to all branch members

Branch Newsletter In UNISON Jan 23

Support NHS workers on strike

UNISON National news 22 Dec 22

Branch 2023 AGM's set for 22nd March 2023 12.30pm and 5.30pm. More news in the new year

Branch Newsletter November 22
Items include:- LG pay award, Fire Service cuts, Retained EU Law bill, There For You

Branch Newsletter October 22
Items include:- update on LG Pay award, UNISON Debtline, There For You

Branch Newsletter Sept 22 Items include:- news on pay claim ballot, cost of living webinars and survey results, and workplace places and market stalls that are coming up.  

 Branch newsletter August 22
Items include:-
1. Branch webinar on the Cost of Living 17th August
2. Pay meetings for local government members
3. LGBT+ conference delegates
4. Rise up Notts 3rd Sept – trade union day of education and political debate
5. Ask a friend or work colleague to Join UNISON

Pay Offer - Local Government staff
We have arranged a series of online meetings to discuss the Local Government pay offer. Check your UNISON emails for the Zoom link!

The Online meetings are as follows:-

12.30pm -1.15pm Wednesday 24th August / 31st August / 7th September / 14th September
5.00pm -5.45pm Wednesday 17th August / 24th August / 31st August / 7th September / 14th September

Pay offer details including Spinal Colunm Point salaries Click here

Cost of Living Crisis - Branch Webinar 17th August 12 noon - check your UNISON emails for the webinar link     

We have arranged a webinar for members to talk to us about the cost of living prior to the formal launch of the branch campaign in September. We are all feeling the strain of the ever-increasing price of the weekly shop, fuel at the filling station, rises in transport costs, rising energy bills and the knock-on impact of this on the cost of other goods and services.

We need the decision-makers to act before it is too late.

We will formally launch our branch campaign in September (before the energy price rise that is predicted for the Autumn makes heating a luxury for most people) aimed at empowering members, putting pressure on national and local decision-makers and calling for support from employers across all sectors in your branch.

If you have any questions in advance that you would like us to consider please email using the Subject: Cost of Living Crisis FAO James/Karen/Jo.
We will try to answer all questions sent in advance in our discussion. Check your UNISON emails for the link to the Webinar.  

 What are the root causes of the cost of living crisis?

 TUC London Cost of Living demo 18th June Twitter pics and comments

UNISON School Uniform Grant - see video for details  

  Branch Newsletter June 22 edition  

TUC/UNISON Demo Cost of Living London 18th June - Nottingham Coaches 

Action for Happiness calendar Meaningful May - Happier, Kinder, Together 

Branch Hi Five Newsletter May edition 

Report back from Empowering Women Workshop pdf download

Branch Hi Five Newsletter - April edition 

Branch AGM 17th March 22
We are holding two meetings to afford members more opportunity to attend (Zoom link in the attached Agenda). Alongside the regular AGM business we will be running prize draws throughout each meeting so you have a chance to win a range of shopping vouchers from £25 up to £100. Each meeting should be no more than an hour in length. 

NAAS is scrapped!
Following a fantastic camapign by UNISON the Department of Education scraps the social work accreditation scheme!

UNISON has long campaigned for the National Assessment and Accreditation Scheme (NAAS) to be scrapped and welcomes the Department of Education’s decision. Regions and branches are thanked for all their efforts in campaigning against NAAS and members are applauded for not engaging in the programme More info here

Branch launches across Social Media!

Don't forget we're on social media......Notts Unison branch are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!  

IMPORTANT info about the branch 12th Aug 21
The branch office remains closed but we are still 'open for business'.
You can contact us on 0115 9810405
Mon-Friday M-T: 9am - 5pm 0115 9810405 Friday 9am - 4pm
and don't forget you can always email

UNISON Video on Council services crumbling to dust watch here

Vital services are turning to dust. But you can help to save our services. Watch the video and read the General Secretary's blog 

Local government workers: Pay offer  Have you voted yet? There is still time to vote on your pay. Despite their courage and sacrifice throughout COVID-19, council and school workers have been offered only 1.75%. With inflation at 3.8%, that’s a real terms pay cut. UNISON is advising members to vote to reject it. Find out more 

Get set for Green UNISON Week: 18-26 September Green UNISON week will give activists the opportunity to publicise the union’s work on greening public services, and build awareness for Cop26 in November in Glasgow. Find out more and how to get involved 

Local planning meeting in Nottingham for COP26 Thursday 16th Sept click here for more information

Take the Knee with us on Tuesday 25th May - one year since George Floyd was murdered - download Branch statement 

Take the Knee with us on Tuesday 25th May - one year since George Floyd was murdered - download Branch statement 

International Workers Memorial Day 2021
Christina McAnea speaks - Youtube video

ASCH Newsletter Feb 21 

New for 2021 we are trialing some short newsletters for members in ASCH. If you like the idea please let us know. If you have any ideas for subjects to cover please let us know.

Wednesday 24th March 12.30 – 1.30pm and 5.30 – 6.30pm
Online via Zoom (invitation link to be circulated nearer date)
AGM AGENDA  1. Guest speaker and discussion  2. Minutes of the AGM held in March 2019 (AGM 2020 postponed)  3. To confirm Branch Officer elections for 2021  4. Branch raffle part 1 – win 2 x £50 shopping vouchers  5. Confirm election of delegates to National Delegate and Local Government Conferences (still seeking expressions of interest)  6. To receive the Branch Financial Accounts 2020  7. Branch officers honoraria  8. Branch raffle part 2 – win 2 x £100 and 4 x £25 shopping vouchers  9. Any other business

Congratulations - Christina McAnea has been elected as our new general secretary – the first woman to head the UK’s largest union. Christina replaces Dave Prentis, who is retiring after 20 years. She will formally take up her post on 22 January. Additional info here 

January Schools Advice - please follow this link to the national website for the latest advice on schools

The branch office may be closed due to COVID19 but we are still 'open for business'. You can contact us on the following mobile numbers

M-F: 9am - 2pm 07841270806
M-F: 9.30am -1.30pm 07872197912
M-Th: 1pm-5pm F 12 noon- 4pm 07841 270801

and don't forget you can always email  

Thank you for being there We just wanted to say a big thank you to every one of you for not only being part of Notts UNISON but for continuing to work through these unprecedented times we face within our public service roles. Remember, you are part of a union that is here to represent and support you when you need it.

East Midlands UNISON Newsletter - The Campaigner -  link to PDF  

Save OUR Training, Save Union Learning
Sign the petition and ask the government to reverse cuts to union learning  

Have you voted yet? UNISON General Secretary’s election – make your vote count - the branch has nominated Paul Holmes - full information here 

Notts UNISON Freedom From Racism - book launch Wed 14th Oct 1.00pm - for more information follow this link. If you are a branch member and would like an invite to the launch event please email the branch office and request a link to this online event. You can also request a hard copy of the booklet or you can download an electronic version here  

Pay award 2020 – local government and schools Just to let you know that we have spoken to Notts County Council regards this years agreed pay award (2.75%) and it should be included with your September salary at the end of the month along with the backdated pay from April.  

Back to school - school reopening advice to members 

Council Day Care Services - following our recent survey on Council Day Servces we are takng the matter up formally via Council negotiating panels and we have also written to the Corporate Director of Adult Social Care withn Notts CC expressing some of the feedback - link to letter Original article re Day Care Services is further down the page 

Because Black disabled lives matter - Notts branch member and activist Veronica Price-Job and Peter Daley look at how Covid19 has been affecting Black disabled workers link 

Branch survey on the Social Care Fund and COVID19 infection control Do you know that there is a pot of money designed to help stop the spread of the virus in the care sector? It provides financial support to ensure that care workers are paid in full if they get or suspect that they have COVID19. Please complete the survey in order that we can help ensure the money available is directed to the appropriate staff. Link to survey 

Local Govt. Pay Claim 2020 The result of the branch pay consultation exercise was a resounding vote 4 to 1 in favour accepting the recent offer of 2.75% from the Employers side. Thank you to everyone who participated. There was an 83.5% vote to accept and 16.5% to reject. This result will now be fed into the national consultation process and assuming the returns are similar across the country UNISON and the other trade unions ( via the Joint Trade Union negotiators) will inform the Employers that members have accepted the offer. The National Employers body will then inform all Local Authorities of the outcome of the negotiations and following that the Council will be in a position to make the appropriate pay award to staff. If the letter from the employers side arrives early enough payment could be made in August salary 

Important reminder to all members…… During difficult economic times employers may look to lose staff through the most cost effective ways. Our advice to all members currently is to revisit key policies such as capability and disciplinary, your employer code of conduct, any behaviour standards your employer has (including the use of social media) and your contract. Once you have reminded yourself of the content of these you are better prepared to meet the employer standards and less likely to be caught out by something that may result in action being taken against you by your employer. 

Will the elderly be expected to pay for COVID19?
Link to national website

Latest branch survey -  do you use Council Day Services?

Notts UNISON is aware that the current situation is very difficult for us all. We want to find out how things are for members in different circumstances. We have previously asked for your views about working from home and now we want to know how families who have a family member who uses an NCC day centre, or Short Break service, have managed during the crisis. Below is a link to a short questionnaire and we would appreciate it if you would participate in this survey in order that we can raise any issues of concern with the County Council regards the provision of Day Care Services. Day Care Survey link 

Council and school workers - have your say on pay!  info on national website For UNISON members working in Local Government or other NJC employers (Academies, schools, Fire and Rescue etc) You will be receiving an email asking you to vote on the pay claim. Details of this year’s pay claim are on the UNISON website. You should note that it is extremely unlikely that the additional days leave will apply in Nottinghamshire as there are no NJC employers that we are aware of who offer the minimum Green book leave. PLEASE USE YOUR VOTE If you haven’t received an email by August 1st please contact us via 

Risk assessments/COVID19 Workplaces including all schools and academies) will be reviewing their risk assessments for wider opening in September. You need to be involved with those. It is important that managers listen and respond to staff input, they are required to do this. Please ask your managers to share the risk assessments with UNISON – we have been able to provide constructive comments to many workplaces across the county helping to keep workplaces safer. If you have concerns about H&S raise them with your manager in the first instance and if they are not resolved contact us.

Disabled Members Self Organised Group Meeting 30th July 10am via ZOOM If you identify as having a disability you are very welcome to come along to the first ZOOM meeting of the Disabled Members SOG. Please contact the branch office for meeting details. We can discuss: working from home, returns to workplaces, COVID19 – the one thing we can’t do this time is bring cake so apologies in advance.

Wellbeing The past few months have been extremely challenging for everyone. If you or anyone that you know is finding things difficult please don’t struggle alone. Many employers provide confidential counselling services, Samaritans are ready to listen on 116 123 and if you live in Nottinghamshire you can self refer to the Crisis Team at Highbury Hospital on 0808 196 3779 Please seek support if you feel that you need it, don’t struggle alone. 

 Maternity Rights Advice during COVID19 download information

COVID19 advice for Black members download pdf 

Hot weather advice - download information 

Alcohol based Hand Sanitisers - hot weather vehicle fires info  

Homeworking Health & Safety survey follow this link Notts UNISON is undertaking a home working survey to ensure that during COVID19 members have been fully risk assessed and been provided with the appropriate equipment in order to carry out their duties from home. 

Even though restrictions are now easing and there is a gradual return to workplaces homeworking will undoubtedly be more prevalent than before the pandemic. Please help us ensure the well being and safety of all members by completing this short survey. Please follow the link to complete the survey. This should take no more than 2-3 minutes. Thank you. 

Difficulties getting school places - If any members whose children attend Nottinghamshire (not City) schools and want to take up the place that the child qualifies for under the current guidance but are struggling to secure a place they should contact the Fair Access Team. This team is the first point of contact for parents with issues getting a school place; initially, they were dealing with places for the children of key workers but this is broadening. Email Telephone 0115 9773225 

3rd Freedom from Racism webinar Thursday 25th June 3.30pm The final webinar in this short series of debates, organised by Notts UNISON, on racism in the workplace will take place on Thursday 25th June, 3.30pm and we would urge as many members as possible to join us. If you are a member but haven't already received the event invite please contact the branch office. 


 Step up, stand up and speak out against racism

 Questionnaire - Freedom from Racism (Online version - it should take no more than 90 seconds to complete.)

Or download a copy here Freedom from Racism Questionnaire (Word doc) 

Freedom from Racism 2nd Webinar 4th June (video 55 mins)

 Timeline for video 
00.0 It’s not right to live in fear – comment by James Minto on the events in the UD 02.40 Harminder Singh: 3 paths to success 09.00 Wilf Sullivan: TUC’s response to UK events 11.25 Ali Lewis and Veronica Price-Job: History of tackling Race at NCC and lessons learnt 29:10 Group Discussion 55.42 James’ closing comments and link to Webinar 3

Schools reopening guidance checklist

Primary schools

Secondary schools

Special schools

Guidance and template letter for vulnerable employees in Schools  

 News Update 22 May re Schools, Working from Home and Risk Assessments download now

Race in a Post Viral World, a trade union response - Interview with James Minto, Branch Chair updated 20 May
If you would like further information on our next webinar (4th June) please contact

 Below are some  short  extracts from the first branch webinar which took place recently - next one 4th June

Race in a Post Viral World -

Wilf Sullivan National TUC - "What is it that you want?" (30 seconds)

Wilf Sullivan National TUC - "An approach to solving racism" (1 minute)

Everton Lewis Gordon Branch H&S Officer - advice on COVID ( 3 minutes)

James Minto Branch Chair - highlighting the role of UNISON  (2 minutes)

Interview with Veronica Price - Job Branch Equalities Officer

Interview with Ali Lewis - Chair of Notts County Council BME group 

  (additional materials from the first webinar available shortly)

Just a reminder that we’re still here and we’re still working for you….
Notts UNISON is acting to support all our members in these extraordinary times and we want to ensure that you have access to the right advice. During this unprecedented situation we are still ‘open for business’ Monday-Friday, representing you where and when you need it. We have closed the branch office however we are still responding to your concerns relating to COVID-19 work issues and you can contact us for membership and workplace inquiries, using our Branch Finder tool.

Alternatively, you can email us direct

You can still contact branch office staff
9.00am-2.00pm mobile: 07841 270806 / 07872 197912
1.00pm - 5.00pm* mobile:07841 270801 (* 4pm Friday)

We will respond to you as soon as we can, however, if your issue is of an extremely urgent nature, then please contact one of the mobile numbers listed above during the times stated and leave a message. We will look to respond within the day but please bear with us should it be a little longer. Email is the preferred option of contact as we can quickly forward to the most appropriate officer who will then respond to you.

Most enqueries will be answered on the UNISON Update page re Your Rights at Work - see the link below.

Covid-19 School Closures update 26 March

Coronavirus UNISON update - your rights at work
As the virus spreads and continues to dominate the news, we have all your work-based coronavirus questions answered – here’s the link

HMRC Guidance for employees (including furlough and 80% wages)

Link on social distancing

Coronavirus - Common Questions - NHS Advice

Coronavirus - Dept of Health and Social Care information

Branch AGM 24th March Agenda

New TUC Webinar - Coronavirus at Work 2.00pm 16th March - book online

Retired Members Campaign Group newsletter

Notts UNISON News Update - The Friday FIVE (6 March)

Government must ensure coronavirus sick pay for all workers, says UNISON

Taking Your Breaks Survey Results

Young Members weekend in Nottingham
Young Members UNISON East Midlands AGM and training weekend to be held at the Crowne Plaza in Nottingham from 5.00pm 7.00pm Friday March 20th (dinner will be provided) and from 10.00 - 2.00pm on Saturday 21st March (lunch provided) in Nottingham. Full details 

Report for Womens Conference 2020

Members Guide 2020

Notts UNISON News Update - The Friday FIVE (7 Feb)
items on Pay Claim 2020, Retired Members Campaign update, Holocaust Memorial event, Branch AGM date

Local Government Pay Claim 2020 (6 Feb)

Initial local government pay offer rejected – talks continue

The National Joint Council (NJC) Executive met today, for the employers to respond to the trade unions’ local government pay claim for 2020. The employers made an initial pay offer of a one-year pay increase of 2% across all pay points from 1 April. During negotiations, UNISON’s representatives expressed huge disappointment with the opening offer, and urged the employers to make an improved offer. Read more on this

Notts UNISON News Update - The Friday FIVE (24 Jan 20)
items on HMD 27/1, NCC Annual Leave buyback, Retired Members Campaign Group, Branch AGM

Holocaust Memorial Day 27 Jan 2020
Notts UNISON in conjunction with Nottinghamshire County Council, will be running an all-day event in the Assembly Hall at the County Hall on the 27 January 2020. This event has been developed with the support of the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust. This event is to remember those who suffered as a result of the Holocaust and subsequent genocides around the world.
The event will consist of a programme of activities including, displays, videos and a candle lighting memorial ceremony. A number of guest speakers have also been invited to speak about Holocaust survivors. 

Full programme for the day below and free tickets via Eventbrite – please register

Retired Members Campaign Group will be meeting on Tuesday 28th Jan 1.00pm
Trent Bridge Inn (back room), West Bridgford (Please note this is a change of venue (originally scheduled for County Hall).

NCC staff: Annual Leave buy back scheme - its currently an issue on the NCC Intranet, but last year some staff missed the notification & were unhappy that they had missed the opportunity to apply. Extract from Intranet page:
The next opportunity to purchase leave for the next leave year (20/21) will be available from 1 - 31 March 2020. Please make a note in your calendar.

Branch AGM - date for your diary - Tuesday 24th March 5.30pm County Hall

Notts County Council - Workforce Remodelling in
ASCH Department
-  2nd Dec.
Members in the Adult Social Care and Health department, don’t forget we are encouraging you all to engage with the consultation process by attending the meetings and raising your concerns. In addition we can still use any submissions you make to us.  We have already fed back your initial responses and are happy to continue receiving your concerns on this issue. So if you work in ASCH and haven’t responded already please do …….

How do you feel about the remodelling?
What concerns do you have?
Do you see any impact on the service you provide?
Do you feel it will impact on your well being?

Email all comments to

STOP Schools Cuts – will your local school be losing out? 83% of schools will still lose out next year due to government cuts

Our schools need more money

Our schools are at crisis point. Funding has slumped in real terms by 8% since 2010 and the worst hit schools could lose up to 15% of their funding by 2022.

A close up of a sign  Description automatically generatedUNISON is campaigning to ensure that all schools are properly funded and to stop cuts in your local schools.

What’s happened at my school?

Find out how cuts have affected your local school on the School Cuts website.

Community and Voluntary Sector Conference
The branch is looking to send 2 delegates to attend the Community Service Group Conference and Seminar that will be held at the Cardiff City Hall, from 12noon on Friday 28 February until 12noon on Sunday 1 March 2020. Hotel accommodation, travel and subsistence are all covered by the branch. If you work in the Community, Private and Voluntary sector and are interested in representing the branch at this conference please get in touch via the branch office – Tel: 0115 9810405 or email

UNISON Moneytalk Newsletter

Are your details up to date?
With continuing reorganisations, remodelling and restructuring of departments going on we need to be able to contact you quickly should those changes effect you. Please let us know your current work and home address details and also email and mobile numbers as those are the quickest methods of communication. You can contact the branch office via email: or go online at MY UNISON to amend your details.

Menopause Matters - UNISON event 25th Sept County Hall
Amazing meeting at County Hall for our Lunch & Learn event - Understanding the Menopause. Over 40 women members in attendance. Really positive Q&A. We will be rolling this session out across the county, watch out for further dates!

Autumn Schools Newsletter includes details of TTO pay issue

Pay Claim 2020 - PAY UP NOW! Bulletin No.2

PAY UP NOW Bulletin No.1

Pay Claim 2020 - PAY UP NOW! Bulletin No.2

PAY UP NOW Bulletin No.1

PAY CLAIM - UNISON calls for the bottom NJC pay point to be £10 per hour and a 10% pay rise on other pay points PAY UP NOW Bulletin No.1

UNISON, GMB and Unite today lodged the following pay claim for all council and school workers employed on NJC pay in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.  The claim is for:

  • A real living wage of £10 per hour to be introduced for NJC scp 1 and a 10% increase on all other NJC/GLPC pay points
  • A one day increase to the minimum paid annual leave entitlement set out in the Green Book
  • A two hour reduction in the standard working week as set out in the Green Book
  • A comprehensive joint national review of the workplace causes of stress and mental health throughout local authorities

FREE UNISON Training Courses

Reading Ahead 2019/20

Further Education College news....

Change Universal Credit

UNISON Activist E-news update

Even more good things about UNISON.......another video

Young workers need UNISON

I'm 21 and a committed trade unionist

Stewards Nomination form

Get involved in UNISON

Government should heed report and fund Local councils properly

Blog: Our union fighting and winning for working people in the courts

Staff at Bradford Hospitals Trust strike over privatisation plans

More than 4 million people in the UK are trapped in deep poverty

Save nursery schools now - sign the petition

UNISON in numbers

  • UNISON has more than 1.3 million members and activists, making us one of Europe’s largest unions
  • More than 70% of our members are women.
  • UNISON is spread over 12 UK regions.
  • There are more than 1,000 UNISON branches around the UK

Race in a Post Viral World
the branch is undertaking an extensive project on 'racism within the workplace' this will include webinars, questionaires and consultation with members and employers with a view to progressing issues facing black members in the workplace   

Notts UNISON Freedom From Racism booklet - we launched a new booket last year aimed at challenging racism in the workplace  If you are a branch member and would like a copy please email the branch office and request a hard copy of the booklet or alternatively   you can download an electronic version here  

Race in a Post Viral World, a trade union response - Interview with James Minto, Branch Chair updated 20 May

Below are some short extracts from the first branch webinar which took place last year

Wilf Sullivan National TUC - "What is it that you want?" (30 seconds)

Wilf Sullivan National TUC - "An approach to solving racism" (1 minute)

Everton Lewis Gordon Branch H&S Officer - advice on COVID ( 3 minutes)

James Minto Branch Chair - highlighting the role of UNISON (2 minutes)

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There are three simple ways to join UNISON and get essential cover wherever you work.

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Join by calling 0800 171 2193